Talking Out of Both Sides of His Mouth… Again

H-1Bs not just for tech workers but for Maître d’s and waiters? Why not hotel maids, too, and they can all join the Democrat-enabling, communist sympathizing anti-gun SEIU as they fast track on the “pathway to citizenship“?

While everyone is rightfully cheering action at the border and going after dangerous hombres, that doesn’t mean we have to turn a blind eye and give him a pass on being indistinguishable from Grover Norquist and Michael Bloomberg

All the while giving cover to Democrat education establishment failures.

Would I rather have Kamala? F— any damned brainwashed apologist who would ask that stupid question.

I’d rather have what MAGA believed it was voting for. Anyone who objects is no different from the willfully ignorant sycophants praising the emperor’s new clothes.

And nope. Still nothing on 2A.

None Dare Call It Treason

Nearly 500 Republican, Democrat Officials Urge Joe Biden to Import 2.5 Million Migrants to Fill American Jobs [More]

Cheap labor Republicans (suicidal fools) are every bit the enemy as pathway to citizenship Democrats.

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

[Via JG]

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