Police Shooting Victim Disputes County Attorney’s Attempt to Have Complaint Dismissed

Kloepfer’s assertions against the County Attorney’s Motion to dismiss reject his claims, citing precedents, arguing qualified immunity does not apply because “Defendant Brown published a press release he knew or should have known to be false to ‘control the narrative’ about misconduct in a malicious and corrupt manner that constituted conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice”… [More]

The defense of the indefensible continues.

Court Filing by Indian Police Defendants Contradicts Sheriff’s Account of Kloepfer Shooting

“It is admitted that Sheriff Smith was present at the scene of the Property at all times that these Defendants were present at the Property on December 13, 2022.” [More]

He said he wasn’t there. Those who were said he was.

We’re the Only Ones Not Reading the Room Enough


And no, they won’t let you comment.

I wonder if any media are going to show up and grill them about this

Be funny if someone released one of these… speaking of which, where’s the recording, to prove SWAT saw Jason pick it up and could tell that it was being carried before they lit him up…?

Kloepfer Lawsuit Documents ‘Attempted Murder’ of Unarmed Citizen by Police

The lawsuit follows. Readers are encouraged to set aside the time to go through it completely to understand the totality of events that happened and are still happening to a citizen attempting to comply with police orders, and to know if it can happen to Jason Kloepfer it can happen to any of us. [More]

That this story hasn’t been headline national news tells us much.

Cherokee Indians Tribal Council Votes for Car/Bodycam Exemption after SWAT Shooting

Cherokee Indians Tribal Council Votes for Car/Bodycam Exemption after SWAT Shooting [More]

Bodycam videos? We ain’t got no bodycam videos. We don’t need no bodycam videos. I don’t have to show you any stinking bodycam videos!

New SWAT Shooting Video and DA Recusal Raise Investigation Conflict Concerns

It also brings up fair questions about just how impartial any investigation can be without full disclosure of relationships between all parties involved in Klopefer’s shooting and subsequent actions. [More]

What assurances do we have that all personal and professional relationships have been disclosed and will not affect the outcome of the investigation?

About That Huge Story No One in the Media Cares About…

NEW INFORMATION, MORE QUESTIONS… Part 1 … Including a pop quiz I’d like to offer! [More]

More questions about the criminally violent joint Cherokee County Sheriff/CIPD SWAT raid the press won’t ask as those of us looking for answers continue to be suppressed.

I’m wondering if an open letter to Ashley Welch asking about potential relationship conflicts of interest between investigators and those they are investigating might give those looking to whitewash and stonewall pause…

We’re the Only Ones Triggering Enough

Police bodycam footage shows he was shot once in the abdomen, less than a second after an officer opened his bedroom door. Lewis appeared to be holding a vape pen, but no weapon … “This police officer fired his weapon less than a second after the door opened. That is about as reckless as a police officer can get,” Rex Elliott, the family’s attorney, said. [More]

Cherokee Indian Police SWAT says “Hold our beer.”

NC Shooting Highlight Dangers of Swatting & ‘Red Flag’ Responses

What these actions don’t mitigate or excuse is the police opening fire on him immediately after he emerged unarmed from his trailer with his hands raised and his wife directly behind him. [More]

So will the State Bureau of Investigation and the DA aggressively pursue this, and if not, why not?

As the Dam Breaks

“Real reporters” gradually discover what we’ve been talking about for days.

  • UK’s Independent: “Video shows police shooting unarmed disabled man”
  • New York Post: “Unarmed ‘disabled’ man wrongly suspected of holding hostage is shot by cops”

Even the local ABC 15 News grudgingly admits “The surveillance footage released by Kloepfer appears to show a conflicting account of the event.” and contains one other bit of happy news:

The State Bureau of Investigations has opened an investigation into the shooting.

They could’ve said something

Sorry– still nothing on CNN or any of the major papers.


Just let’s not forget where credit is due.

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