Money Well Spent?

Social Media ‘Influencers’ Paid Up to $10,000 for Scripted Anti-Trump Videos [More]

Yeah, but does anyone watch them whose “mind” isn’t already made up?

Still, I wonder what the FEC reportable campaign expenditures position is on this — that, and it would be nice to expose them as paid whores.

[Via Michael G]

An In-Kind Contribution

Morales began the segment by explaining Schiff is not only campaigning against Republican Steve Garvey, but also “focused on another opponent,” that opponent, unsurprisingly, being Trump. [More]

So how is this not a free campaign ad, reportable to the FEC?

And anybody else wishing one of those mountain lions or bears he was prattling on about had made a surprise appearance…?

[Via Michael G]

Lie, Cheat and Steal

Last week, the Post’s editorial board — which speaks with the institutional voice of the newspaper — declared that it regards President Biden’s reelection in November as a matter of such importance that it will not fault him for promoting misbegotten policies that are designed to attract votes. The president’s policies “clearly pander to core constituencies,” the editorial board conceded, and “some of these policies are quite bad — even dangerous.” Other pandering by the White House may be “less obviously dangerous but still violates common sense and principle.” [More]

Why is anyone surprised?

And why is no one challenging this as an admission of intent to provide free publicity and suppress other information, making it an “in kind” campaign contribution reportable to the FEC?

[Via Michael G]

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