Look at Me! I’m One of You!

AOC fakes being handcuffed after arrest at abortion rights protest [More]

Everything about her and her fellow Marxist apparatchiks is phony– right down to them pretending to be among the oppressed.

Going back to an earlier “protest,” I’m still wondering why there were no criminal charges for taking over the Capitol and interfering with “the peoples’ business” when John Lewis et al. staged a violence monopoly sit-in. You tell me how oath-breakers undermining a fundamental right the Founders deemed “necessary to the security of a free State” is not a seditious conspiracy.

Locally, the virtue-signaling all-white and woke Stow city council renamed a damn bridge after him.

‘Private Assurances’ for SCOTUS Nominees Deny Transparency, Betray Public Trust

If real principles – or lack thereof – are only shared behind closed doors with select politicians trying to advance an agenda, the whole purpose of public hearings is exposed as fraudulent theater, a dishonest performance with the sole intent to manipulate the voting public. [More]

It’s rare to hear a public figure admit the hearings are just predetermined performances for show and the real quid pro quo agreements happen out of earshot.

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