The Projection Distraction

The Anti-Semitic Revolution on the American Right [More]

Because nothing screams “From the river to the sea!” like not wanting to be manipulated into expending American blood and treasure and risking full kinetic WWIII while our own borders are being deliberately subverted by the same manipulators.

And what’s the use of having a leftist narrative if you don’t parrot it?

Dem Rep. Dan Goldman hopes accusing GOP of antisemitism will distract from Dems’ close ties to Soros

So pay no attention to screaming, Palestinian flag waving mob violence and vandalism by Squad Democrats, and maybe chill out on some Macklemore (nice “random” nose, man!):

‘F*** America!’ Rapper makes it clear he hates U.S. at a benefit event linked to promoting terror

Speaking of which, I wonder if the rope-selling capitalists at Adidas figure their Bogey Boys partnership can survive. We can always ask

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