The BLM Giveth, the BLM Taketh Away

The proposed resource management plan amendment would make recreational target shooting available on 5,295 acres of the monument and unavailable on the remaining 480,496 acres. [More]

In other words, we’re taking away –what — over 90% of what’s currently available…? That’s top of my head math– feel free to pull out a calculator and tell me where I screwed up. I don’t bother because it’s racist.

And for you deplorables who have to question everything

[Via Bluesgal]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “The BLM Giveth, the BLM Taketh Away”

    1. Yes…f**k BLM. But a significant part of the problem in this case would be the people doing the shooting on BLM land. They drag all manner of garbage out to all sorts of places, shoot the hell out of it and then LEAVE GARBAGE everywhere. Too many idiots who shoot on public lands are absolute pigs leaving a filthy mess everywhere they go. Offroaders are often guilty of this as well. The easily predicted result is the bureaucrats imposing onerous restrictions on the activities that creates the pollution. So in many cases recreational shooters are their own worst enemy.

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