The ‘Convicts’ Tar Vanishes

US newspapers are deleting old crime stories, offering subjects a ‘clean slate’ [More]

So now it’s the job of “Authorized Journalists” to suppress relevant information. My “For ‘progressives,’ every day is Opposite Day” adage just keeps proving itself.

That’s one way for authorities to absolve themselves of the predictable results of catch-and-release.

I wonder where they got the idea from.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “The ‘Convicts’ Tar Vanishes”

  1. And the Texas town of Benavides gives a “second chance” to a cop fired from the San Antonio blues.

    “The Benavides Police Department’s hiring of Officer Mathew Luckhurst highlights the department’s commitment to offering individuals a second chance to demonstrate their dedication to public service.”

    Luckhurst’s major contri to public service? Serving up a feces sandwich to some street person.

    Erase it all, every day is, hmm, a brand new day and no prior actions will accrue to any individual accused of or proven to have committed any bad act.

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