4 thoughts on “The Cycle of Oppression”

  1. I applaud Seattle.
    The got to the right result entirely from the wrong reason, but ulla sella.
    I’m tired of saving stupid people from themselves so that Our Democracy can continue to benefit from their ballots.

    1. The downside is that public-funded healthcare will be expected to cover the TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)-related care — sometimes a lifetime’s worth — of people who were a few ants short of a picnic before the accident.

      Who pays for that? Us. ALL of us.

      Even if you don’t live in Seattle, some of it will come from Washington State tax money. Even if you don’t live in Washington State, some (more, probably) of it will come from federal tax money. Some part of your and my paychecks will go to fund the long-term care of someone who couldn’t be arsed to use a $15 safety device that’s distributed for free by non-profits across the nation.

      As fun as it might be to play “Here’s Your Sign” on their hospital beds, I think we could find many more productive uses for those funds.

      But somehow, we are the racists for saying so.

      1. I find it “amusing” that the same city gummit that mandated bike helmet use for decades has now rescinded that on the basis that “the Homeless” are disproportionately fleeced for ignoring the “law”. Meanwhile that same city government “cares” so much for them they have established facilities where those same people can go get wasted on free drugs, illegal to the rest of us but “OK for them” and at public expense. I dont have the numbers but I’m pretty certain drug overdoses result in far ore medical bills the public funds than do hed trauma from bike crashes invilvong non-helmeted riders. Most times the crash involves a car, and the liability insurance of the cars owner wil end up footing the bills and NOT public funds. The pubic money paying for unhelmeted head repairs is a red herring.

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