The Eggman or the Walrus?

Then there are the counterpoints

Here’s the esteem Vanderboegh held Pitcavage in.

[Via President Non_Fudd]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “The Eggman or the Walrus?”

  1. Pitcavage has been an underwear stain in America’s wardrobe for over 30 years, about the time he posted this obscene sophistry on talk.politics.guns:

    MP: What “liberties” were taken away from you?

    TPG: I may no longer buy firearms without waiting and prior approval.

    MP: I see; the right to instant gratification.

    TPG: Bonnie Elmasri was murdered by her ex-husband, who strangled her and her two children with his bare hands during her waiting period for a self-defense gun she had purchased.
    Philip Coleman’s application to purchase a pistol to protect himself at his liquor store was approved on August 8. Unfortunately, on August 5, Philip was shot to death in a store holdup.
    Ask Bonnie and Phil about instant gratification, you snide son of a bitch.

    MP: Surely you don’t want to embark upon Duelling Examples? For every alleged instance of self-protection you can bring up, it is possible to bring up an example where someone bought a gun then drove over to his ex-girlfriend’s house and shot her lover. The notion that someone could be swayed by the God of Anecdotal Evidence is pretty silly.
    Mark Pitcavage History Department, The Ohio State University

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