The Mandate of Heaven

It is necessary to break the power of the old regime completely, not out of vengeance but a matter of realism. What is required is a clean-up operation comparable to Denazification, or Reconstruction. The nomenklatura cannot be allowed to remain in position. The ballot harvesting machine that subverted the 2020 election must be liquidated, and voting protocols cleaned up around the country. The mass migration machine must be destroyed and the illegal migrants it delivered to America deported. Antifa criminal networks, their financial backers, and their journalists and academic apologists should face RICO investigations. Universities should be purged of party activists, and activist disciplines abolished. Not only in the United States, but across the U.S. Empire, the regime’s political machine must be completely dismantled. [More]

Sorry, Rodney. We tried. They wouldn’t let us.

They still won’t.

[Via WiscoDave]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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