The New Number 2

Ann Coulter: Pick the Hillbilly, Trump [More]

Vance has issues of his own but not as big as those from another name being bandied about.

My biggest concern is who would replace him in the Senate.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “The New Number 2”

  1. “My biggest concern is who would replace him in the Senate.”

    Some of us have similar concerns about him picking DeSantis.

    I lean towards Kristi Noem for my original reasons.

    1. It would pretty much give her a lock on being the ticket leader in 2028.
    2. It would seriously put a lot of Democrat shorts in a twist for the first female President to be a Republican.
    3. The Democrats might think twice about f*cking with a woman ballsy enough to shoot her own dog.

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