The Obvious Solution

“If you invite me to dinner that’s all I’m gonna talk about. Have me over to your party and it’s going to be, ‘Dobbs, Dobbs, and more Dobbs!’ And I won’t stop until Roe is reinstated and 51% of Congress is female.” [More]

I think I have a quick fix for this.

I haven’t been this broken up since David Hogg threatened to not have children (although I confess I hadn’t realized he was into women, or more to the point, that any woman would be into him, and then I remembered that the new wisdom is that men can get pregnant and that he could always inseminate himself, which some of us have been telling him to do for some time.)

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “The Obvious Solution”

  1. I might invite him… but only after everybody else has left. It would take at least half the cleanup off my hands.

  2. Thanks David. You never fail to make me laugh hard! Can I use that in the future? “Self-insemination”?

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