The Road to Damascus?

There’s a lot of rhetoric but not much in the way of specifics.

I’d feel better if the first words out of her mouth had not been “I’ve always supported the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms.”

[Via DDS]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

7 thoughts on “The Road to Damascus?”

  1. Another faux conservative. Forget what she is saying. Look at what she has done and supported in the past. That tells you all you need to know.

    1. “That tells you all you need to know.”

      Not necessarily. If that was always the case, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) would still be a defender of RKBA and the late Mike Vanderboegh would be known, if he were known at all, as an SDS activist. Those of us who have been paying attention know that in both cases, they did a 180 degree flip in their beliefs, and their actions, based on external events at a critical time in their lives. In the video linked above, Ms. Gabbard says she has come to a completely different understanding of the RKBA issue due to a similar influence, that being the growing totalitarian rhetoric coming from elements of her former party. Short version, she now “talks the talk”, but if given the chance, would she “walk the walk?”

      It seems inevitable that the USA will eventually elect a woman as President. I think it would severely tick off a lot of people on the Left if that woman turned out to be a true conservative Republican and not a Republican version of Kamala Harris, who was an affirmative action candidate selected for her genitalia and skin color, not her abilities or qualifications. That woman VP would have the inside lane to be the Republican nominee in 2028. As it happens, it is rumored that Trump has one or maybe two capable and qualified women on his “short list” for VP. The “maybe” is Tulsi Gabbard. But whereas the other possibility, Kristi Noem, has a pretty solid resume, Gabbard has her negative RKBA baggage, a lackluster career in the House of representatives, and is a party switcher. If she were still in office, she might have been able to “walk the walk” and show us that her change of heart on RKBA is genuine. But she isn’t and can’t given that the choice is being made now and not later. In short, can we trust Gabbard on RKBA issues? On the other hand, can we trust Trump on those same issues?

      When he was SecDef, Rumsfeld said you fight with the army you have, not with the army you wish you had. I wish Trump were more of a solid plus on RKBA issues, and that the VP choice were more of a toss up between Noem and Gabbard, but that isn’t our reality. This discussion was a result of Gabbard’s appearance at CPAC, and David’s reservations about her history on RKBA issues. I think things might have been different if she had some time to prove her change of heart would result in a change of behavior, but she doesn’t.

      I think our best shot is a Trump-Noem ticket for 2024 and maybe a Noem-???? ticket in 2028. Maybe that 2028 VP pick could be Tulsi Gabbard. Now that would twist the heck out of a few Donkeys’ tails.

  2. I could go either way. The story is plausible. I also grew up in a blue hellhole, and believed that the way things were done there was “supporting the Second Amendment”… until I got my first job and gained experience with people from Real America.

  3. IIRC the ‘Road To Damascus Moment” experienced by Saul of Tarsus was not only life changing, it was extended over several days and truly painful. Out of it, Paul began a new and totally different life. These epiphanies experienced by modern politicians are mostly stances taken for political survival, which may work for a time.

    1. And that is the fly in the soup.

      We’ve seen politicians, on both sides of the aisle, who will go down fighting for what they believe in, come hell or high water. We’ve also seen politicians who stick their fingers in the air to see which way the wind is blowing before they take any positions.

      Which is Tulsi Gabbard? I have no freaking idea. Maybe she will show us in the future. But the bottom line is that her window of opportunity for this cycle is already closed.

  4. I don’t think Tulsi could have been elected in her home state if she had not been an orthodox Democrat. The question is, what is she now, really? Color me suspicious…and I don’t vote for “suspicious.”

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