3 thoughts on “The Wish List”

  1. RINOs and the evil satanic-communist (D) ‘flood the zone’ with so much indefensible shi7 that most can’t see the forest for the trees.

    Everyone one of these actions is Pearl Harbor, and 9/11, and they all need push back 2000%.


  2. The 2nd Para. of The Declaration of Independence says that “government” “of any kind” does not get to say what you are allowed to keep on-hand to replace them “whenever” you deem necessary in carrying out your “duty” to “replace” them, again should you feel it necessary. Bona Fide U.S. Citizens permanently reserve the right to do so.

    Simplified: Your neighbors who work for you (your “government”) don’t get to tell you what “arms” you can possess or use to use to replace them, up to, and including PARITY of arms with them.

    It’s not a “safety” issue that they are attempting this. It’s because they cannot do tyranny with impunity while any of us have the ability to vote “NO”, capitally.

    They Are All Mortal And They All Sleep Somewhere (TAAMATASS)

  3. I’d like to hear just one anti -gun/ 2A person recommend a single “common sense” gun law that would have prevented a mass shooting.

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