Their Man in the GOP

Dade Phelan Doubles Down on Meme Regulation Bill Despite First Amendment Concerns [More]

What’s curious is Phelan was “rated 100% by NRA [and] Texas Rifle and Pistol Association” yet Democrats he included in his “leadership circles” and appointed to powerful committee positions, despite Republican objections, were big Kamala Harris boosters.

Our “gun rights leaders” do us no favors by giving ratings that ignore what candidates do to undermine their “good” votes.

Hence the “single issue” sellout.

Yep, that’s Phelan.

[Via Sweet Babboo]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Their Man in the GOP”

  1. Texas Rs (some of whom used to be Ds, and others who’ve been up to Austin for too many sessions) happily canoodle with and seem to enjoy conjugal relations with Ds to choose legislative ‘leadership’ and set agendas contrary to voters who intended to put Texas on a better course.
    I’m not well informed enough to comment on how NRA recommendations come about, or what payoffs and/or quids pro quo might be involved in them. Wasn’t Patch Crenshaw A rated for the CONgress too?
    The old Texas two step continues.

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