There’s No NOT Voting Our Way Out of This

Arizona attorney general warns Trump deporting Dreamers would be a ‘bright red line’ – AG Kris Mayes said Arizona, New Mexico and California are united on border policy [More]

They couldn’t find 281 more gun owners two years ago in the whole state…?

To reject this…?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “There’s No NOT Voting Our Way Out of This”

  1. Ya know it seems real simple to me, if your tasked with enforcing the laws, and you don’t, then you lose you job!

  2. She “used to be a Republican” but switched parties due to “the rise in Trumpism.” Does this even sound like someone who was EVER an actual Republican?

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