Think of It as Plague Insurance

“Mr. Labarge’s terror campaign sent ripples of fear throughout the journalism community and violated the bedrock principles enshrined in the Bill of Rights. Our office remains steadfast in our commitment to safeguarding the rights of journalists to report without fear of retribution and to put behind bars those who try to silence the media through threats and violence,” Levy said. [More]

The DOJ suddenly finding it in its self-interest to virtue signal about the Bill of Rights notwithstanding, Levy knows the First Amendment is a restraint on government, and that’s reflected in the actual charges that didn’t mention it:

…conspiracy to commit stalking through interstate travel and using a facility of interstate commerce… conspiracy to commit stalking using a facility of interstate commerce… stalking using a facility of interstate commerce and aiding and abetting… stalking through interstate travel and aiding and abetting.

Sudden interest in rights is the DOJ careerists’ equivalent of painting lamb’s blood on the door frame so the wrath of Trump passes over them. I do wonder, though, if the same amount of energy would have been spent on “just a blogger” as on “real reporters.”

Still, it’s analagous to more ways a proactive AG could protect the Second Amendment from state and municpal infringements… if she was instructed to.

[Via Edmund M]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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