Throwing a Red Flag on the Play

Extreme-Risk Protection Orders Fail To Deliver: Analysis of Red Flag Laws & Their Consequences [More]

More Rand Corporation inconclusiveness…

You know, the same studies Democrat Dr. Quacky McQuackquack cites to demand eviscerating the Second Amendment.

[H/T Wirecutter]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Throwing a Red Flag on the Play”

  1. Where I come from, “inconclusive” means “failed”. If studies into the efficacy of ERPO “Red Flag” laws don’t show a clear positive correlation — with causation — in public and private safety, then they have failed.

    “Inconclusive” and “no correlation” — or worse yet, “negative correlation” — mean the laws are worthless (or worse) at their stated purpose…

    … which makes you wonder why the pols aren’t repealing them immediately.

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