Time for Commonsense Car Safety Laws

BREAKING: Suspect in New Orleans crash and shooting is dead after firefight with police, law enforcement officials tell AP [More]

Yeah, leave it to AP to make it about guns.

But as long as they have, so much for licensing and registration…

And remember:

Anybody figure out why the barriers were conveniently down with no temporary replacement alternative?

No thoughts and prayers from CAIR…?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Time for Commonsense Car Safety Laws”

  1. IF:
    Murderer using a firearm =
    “gunman”, “shooter”, “assassin”, “shooting”, “assault weapon”, “high-capacity”, “high-powered”, “military-style”, “weapon of war”?
    (Bonus Question: If a female murderer uses a firearm, why isn’t she labeled a “gunwoman”, “gunperson”, “gun-questioning”, “gun-trans”, “gun-non-binary”, etc.?)
    (Bonus Bonus Question: How “dare” they assume a person who looks male identifies as a gun“man”?)
    Murderer using an automobile =
    “truckman / carman”, “murderer”, “assassin”, “mass murder”, “assault vehicle”, “high-powered engine”, “high-capacity fuel tank”, “military-style grill guard”, “vehicle of war” (automobiles are used in war)?

    Murderer using an automobile =
    Murderer using firearm OR ANY TOOL =

    It doesn’t have to be so complicated.

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