On the way back from my routine doctor visit my wife and I stopped in at the supermarket to pick up dinner fixings for tonight ( I make a very good Italian sausage and peppers if I say so myself), and one of the things I usually check is the magazine stand to see if the new issue of Firearms News is on display yet.
Someone moved magazines from other sections and placed them to cover most of the gun mags. It’s not the first time I’ve noticed and set things right.
I can just imagine the bitter, self-righteous, indignant type that has no clue what this says about her as a human being, and instead perversely justifies this to herself and other frustrated cud chewers. And yeah, I just made assumptions drawing on stereotypes. Change my mind.
The thought strikes: In addition to the other resolutions, why not make a point of checking when you’re in the store and setting things right?
I believe the spaghetti at Chez Codrea is an excellent choice as well. And the guinea pig floor show was top notch.
Man, it’s been almost 13 years.
Commandeer the security footage!