Toy Story

The Commission is issuing this direct final rule to adopt the Department of Commerce rule for the marking of toy, look-alike, and imitation firearms, with non-substantive and conforming changes. The rule is effective June 26, 2023, unless CPSC receives a significant adverse comment by June 12, 2023. [More]

While focused on the ATF rules ball, don’t let this one roll by.

Because we know what the feds think of Airsoft.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Toy Story”

  1. Geezus H Krist; can’t even wade through the cross references to other statutes and rules to determine that in final analysis, fedzilla wants toy guns gone. No matter, will gift spawn with real deal…oops that might violate some rule promulgated by the vermin at atf and never codified by the CONgress.

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