True Colors

If the republic is supposedly on the verge of falling, extralegal means of resistance are justified. At least some portion of the left will convince itself that only a color revolution can save the country. [More]

Color revolutions are “wars without gunpowder.”

Does anyone really expect that from the the forces against him if Trump wins?

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “True Colors”

  1. More gaslighting and projection. Two of the lefts favorite propaganda tools.
    This all ends one of two ways. Either we lose and the survivors…of which there won’t be many…
    are enslaved or we win and have to rebuild everything. Either way the future is going to be nasty. The leftists in power have one specific thing in common with Islam. A complete refusal to tolerate or coexist with any other ideology. It quite literally is us or them. And when they feel their hold on power is tight enough they will take the current ideological war to a kinetic war. Lenin and Stalin did this, so did Mao. Expect no less from the current crop of communists.

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