We’re the Only Ones Back-shooting Enough

“The officers hid while Johnny did what they were trained to do, that the officers refused to go outside. These are three officers with bulletproof vests on, and they refused to open the door and go and engage the shooter.” For 11 seconds, the officers watched Hurley from behind as he was trying to remove ammunition from the automatic rifle, according to court filings. Without announcing “police” or asking him to drop the weapon, Arvada Officer Kraig Brownlow opened the substation door and took aim at Hurley from behind, hitting him in his back pelvis and killing him. [More]

The Parkland/Uvalde Shuffle…

Rick Blaine’s got a point

And remember: Back the Blue!

[Via WiscoDave]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “We’re the Only Ones Back-shooting Enough”

  1. Since we have the names of the cops in question, can we mail them white feathers and thin yellow line flags?

  2. Always cowards like this who get away with it because others in the “system” cover for them. Like the Coward of Broward who still got his back pay and pension.

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