We’re the Only Ones ‘Established, Reasonable, and Generally Accepted’ Enough

Once they were outside her residence, Griffin’s children watched her “during her naked detention for a substantial amount of time,” the lawsuit says, adding that her hands were zip-tied or handcuffed behind her back. Though she objected, Griffin remained naked in the presence of multiple law enforcement officers, the suit says. The deputies eventually placed a tank top over her head, “providing partial covering but not concealment of her genitalia,” the suit says. [More]

Standard “good faith” protocol…? Are we really sure we want to beef up qualified immunity, Mr. President?

It’s not an excuse, but ya gotta wonder, what are the odds of this happening twice to her and what has she done to draw attention to herself…?

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “We’re the Only Ones ‘Established, Reasonable, and Generally Accepted’ Enough”

  1. Badgemonkeys coming these abuses for a very simple reason. BECAUSE THEY CAN. Andeven if this victim of abuse prevails in her lawsuit NOTHING will happen to the criminals pinned to badges. Any compensation she receives will come from the taxpayers. Not thugs. Unless and until the insanity of “qualified immunity” ends nothing changes, nothing improves and the animals in blue are incentivized to expand their abusive criminal misconduct.

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