We’re the Only Ones High and Dry Enough

Bickings’ wife who was still on the scene also pleaded with officers to intervene, saying: ‘I’m just distraught because he’s drowning right in front of you and you won’t help.’  The transcript claims one of the officers then threatened to put her in his police car unless she calmed down. [More]

Too bad she didn’t have a dog to shoot.

[Via WiscoDave]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “We’re the Only Ones High and Dry Enough”

  1. I’m confused. The first rule in rescue is – “DON’T BECOME THE VICTIM.”

    I am basing my comments on the video available.

    Do we know the water-rescue qualifications of these officers, including their own swim capability? I do hear concern in one officer’s voice. The article itself states they called for rescue boat.

    I used to do water rescue….and have retrieved the bodies of those who “went in after”…..giving me 2 bodies to look for.

  2. A life ring that can be tossed to a person in the water connected to a length of rope can be added to the equipment in the trunks of the police cruisers. With only a rope, a large loop can be tied with a bowline knot at the end of a rope and the person in the water instructed to place the loop around their torso. Most 12 year old Boy Scouts are trained to use this equipment.

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