We’re the Only Ones Indescribable Enough

CU Boulder’s police to cease reference to race, ‘perceived gender’ of unidentified suspects, to be ‘inclusive’ [More]

Because telling investigators what they’re supposed to be looking for and the public what they need to beware of is hateful and offensive…

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “We’re the Only Ones Indescribable Enough”

  1. Where this will leave victims and suspects, is victims fighting back harder and specifically trying to inflict visible damage to “mark” their assailants for future identification.

    The police may not be able to record skin color, perceived gender, or any of that. But, “Look for the ‘person’ with a black right eye, bleeding gouge in the neck from a house key, and missing this tooth on the ground … and may also be limping on the left side from where I kicked ‘them’ in the kneecap,” is awfully specific WITHOUT getting into “protected” descriptors.

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