We’re the Only Ones Infanticidal Enough

GRAPHIC: Police release partial bodycam video before shooting of mom, infant [More]

Once she grabbed the knife and lunged, the potential for tragedy was set in motion. Monday morning quarterbacking, it’s fair to wonder why they let her leave the closet where she was unarmed and contained.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “We’re the Only Ones Infanticidal Enough”

  1. Unlike the depiction in many cartoons, men in white coats wielding butterfly nets and straightjackets do not respond to these “physical domestic violence” calls. A herd of clinical social workers would not be very helpful except to impede and fatigue the knife slasher/stabber as she works her bloody way through the bellowing herd in that very crowded bedroom. As Tueller has demonstrated, a police officer with a holstered firearm within 21 feet of a rapidly approaching knife wielding attacker is going to be slashed or stabbed. It only takes 1.5 seconds (the time needed to say “one one thousand two…” or “Stop or I will shoot”) for a motivated attacker to traverse the 21 feet and make contact with the blade. A trained response of firing Center Of Mass to stop the threat has the unfortunate side effect of putting the bullets through the infant before hitting the mother holding the infant to her chest.

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