We’re the Only Ones Mistried Enough

The jury then sent a second note after 10 a.m. that “we have decided as a group that we cannot reach an unanimous decision or verdict.” [More]

Unless the guy was coerced, insane, under the influence, or sleepwalking, “willful” appears to be self-evident.

I’d be curious to know if more than one juror was the holdout, and if not, about party affiliation.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “We’re the Only Ones Mistried Enough”

  1. “A defense expert, Robert C. Willis, a retired Wisconsin police officer and now a consultant on police practices, testified… The situation was concerning, he said, because Yakish was directing where he would stop and the officer should maintain the advantage and choose where the driver pulls over. The Yakish situation, he said, would “raise an officer’s guard.”

    Compare and contrast:

    “Before stopping your car, if the purported police car doesn’t look like a real police vehicle or doesn’t seem right in any other way, call 911. Tell the dispatcher that what looks to be a police car is following you but that the situation doesn’t feel right and you want to drive to a well-lit, public area — a gas station, for example — before pulling over.”

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