We’re the Only Ones Unsafe Enough

“The short version is, our headquarters isn’t safe, that’s the bottom line, our headquarters building is not safe and it’s not safe for two reasons,” Mattivi said. “Number one the location. We are in, and I don’t mean to be unkind to anyone, but we’re in a horrible neighborhood. [More]

So Democrat neighborhoods are too unsafe even for armed “Only Ones”…?

[Via Steve T]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “We’re the Only Ones Unsafe Enough”

  1. Let us take them at their word.

    Okay, here’s 1,000 acres of Kansas wheatland. Put up a nice perimeter, complete with guard towers/searchlights and a couple of circuits of razor-wire/concertina. Hell, put in land mines if you want security. Here’s a double-handful of Quonset huts…poorly insulated, drafty, and badly-heated. We’ll put in plenty of land-lines and maybe even a dedicated cell tower for your communications.

    Now get your sorry dot-gov butts to work and quit whining about spending taxpayer dollars.

  2. Just checked my “give-a-shit O’meter”. It’s pegged on zero. If they aren’t happy with their office space let them quit.

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