We’re the Only Ones Warning Enough

Chicago’s Top Cop Warns Protesters: ‘We’re Not Going to Allow You to Riot’ During Democratic Convention [More]

Then what am I supposed to do with all that popcorn I bought?

Fortunately, we know how well those he’s warning listen to authority.

Watch a pre-game show.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “We’re the Only Ones Warning Enough”

  1. “Mama don’t ‘low no riotin’ ’round here.
    Mama don’t ‘low no riotin’ ’round here.
    We don’t care what mama don’t ‘low.
    We gonna be riotin’ anyhow.
    Gonna be some riotin’ ’round here!”

    That’s a verse I paraphrased from a song who’s origins are lost in the mists of time. It’s certainly older than Chicago’s police chief. It’s probably even older than the city of Chicago itself.


    The question for the good Chief of Chicago’s finest is, “How you gonna stop them from riotin’ ’round there?”

    While you’re making your plans, Chief, remember another old verse from 1968.

    “The whole world is watching!”
    “The whole world is watching!”


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