White Noise

Anti-Defamation League Now Blaming White Supremacists For Eruption of Antisemitism [More]

Yeah, that MAGA/BLM/Squad Axis is quite the threat.

[Via bondmen]

Tangentially Related UPDATE

Add young skulls full of leftist mush to the alliance:

Texas High Schoolers Chant ‘From the River to the Sea’ During Anti-Israel Walkout – The school gave the kids an excused absence, too.

Goddam white supremacists…

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “White Noise”

  1. In my former neighborhood , in Walnut Creek, ca there is a new islamic center and mosk
    And now, to my astonishment and complete surprise the surrounding area and neighborhoods are being blanketed with house to house anti Semitic tripe……….

    Never happened before.

    What could possibly be the source???????

  2. In the videos of pro-intifada demonstrations I’ve seen, the participants don’t look like your typical “white supremacists” to me. They look more like Palestinian arabs.

    But, hell, if you can redefine terms like “gun safety” to suit your agenda you can redefine an arab as white.

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