Why We Can’t Have Nice Things

City councilor’s call for downtown events to be canceled draws pushback from colleagues, Mayor Wu [More]

Let those who can’t be trusted without a custodian set the bar for allowable public gatherings… while those who can’t protect you won’t allow you to protect yourself.

And keep voting Democrat!

[Via Edmund M]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

4 thoughts on “Why We Can’t Have Nice Things”

  1. We can have nice things. We just have to be aware that we may need to fight, perhaps kill, and perhaps even die to keep them. We have to realize that those who we thought we could depend upon to help us keep those nice things might be those most likely to take them from us.

    It has always been that way regardless of some who choose to believe otherwise.

    “The man who wishes to take my bow is not my friend. He is my enemy.” — David Yeagley

  2. The email gods hate me this morning. All 4 accounts are refusing to send messages. “It’s always something.” — Gilda Radner

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