Working as Planned

Columbus planning to hold another gun buyback event. But are these events effective? [More]

At making idiot Democrat voters think the politicians they give power to are “doing something”?

Yes, tremendously effective.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Working as Planned”

  1. Gee, that works out to over 300 bucks per gun. I’ve got a rusty hunk of junk firearm here somewhere…

    Do I have to reside in Columbus in order to cash in on this?

    The cost to drive to Col. and back to my SW OH location, as well as dinner at a nice restaurant would still leave me some cash.

    Where do I sign up?

  2. John Q. Public can (and has) printed up a box of Glock frames in an afternoon and collected ALL of the gift cards intended to be given out at one of these “buybacks.”

    They’re firearms, right?

    Need to get them off the street, right?

    No questions asked, right?

    See, ya, Sucker! I’ll be back with another box tomorrow!

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