You Deserve a Brick Today

“The suspect was heard by bystanders there saying that he hated white people; that he was going to hurt this guy,” FBI Supervisory Special Agent Joe Weston said. “He walked past other people there at the bus stop and attacked this individual, a white male.” [More]

Good thing black people can’t be racist!

Funny, what’s capitalized and what’s lower-case in this story…

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “You Deserve a Brick Today”

  1. “Funny, what’s capitalized and what’s lower-case in this story…”

    The good news is that, since none of us are “authorized journalists”, we can tell AP to so pound salt with their style book and capitalize what we want when we want.

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