Your Questions Answered

What Happens if Trump Is Convicted? [More]

There was this river called the Rubicon…

The thought strikes that a felony conviction coupled with an election win would mean a “prohibited person”having access to nuclear football launch codes…

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Your Questions Answered”

  1. Speaking of “Banana Republics”, not too long ago we read of a firefight between Mexican Federal Police and the Mexican Army. It seems that they had agreed to “ride shotgun” for opposing drug cartels.

    Just yesterday it was revealed that the FBI party that raided Trump’s home at Mar A Lago were authorized beforehand to use lethal force. The OpFor in this case would have been the United States Secret Service protection detail guarding Trump.

    Are we there yet?

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