♫ Be Our Guest, Be Our Guest, Put Our Service to the Test ♫

NYC hotels slam door on guns following agreement with organized labor [More]

That’s because unions are run by communists.

And the servants have usurped the role of master.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “♫ Be Our Guest, Be Our Guest, Put Our Service to the Test ♫”

  1. Meh… New York is a little communist country behind enemy lines. Was already on my boycott list of places I will never go or spend money. Besides, crime is out of control there and all the ‘signs’ say it will only get worse. They’re in a “New York State Of Denial”.

  2. These commie union thugs fail to realise that when a hotel RENTS a room to someone, that place becomes the renter’s HOME for the duration. The hotel policy cannot deny ME what is MY right in MY HOME Could they prohibit me drinkng tea inside that room? walking about within the room stark naked? Staying up till three ayem? Once that door closes behind me as I enter, that is MY HOME. And the US Constitutoin binds there as well as it does in the home in which I sit this instant.

  3. Thanks, NYC hotels, for declaring open season on your guests by burglars, stalkers, muggers, and carjackers.

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