All Your Purchase Are Belong to Us

Unlike decentralized digital currencies like Bitcoin, CBDCs are issued and backed by a government entity and transact on a centralized, permissioned blockchain. Not only would this CBDC model centralize Americans’ financial information, leaving it vulnerable to attack, it could be used as direct surveillance tool into the private transactions of Americans. [More]

Oh look: Joe Smith bought ammo…

And this sector is problematic. Shut it down.

[Via Antigone]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “All Your Purchase Are Belong to Us”

  1. Will make the IRS/ATF/FBI et al interface and interference in personal commerce so much simpler. The penultimate fusion center.

    1. That one flew the coop years ago. Even government agencies (particularly traffic ticket bureaus) refuse to accept cash.
      It’s just like the constitution: even though it’s plainly stated on paper, they’ll just ignore it whenever it’s convenient.

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