Hopalong Vichycon

Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., predicted that former President Donald Trump would lose the 2024 general election against President Biden and urged Trump to drop out of the race. Cassidy made the comments during a Sunday appearance on CNN and added that he thinks any other candidate in the Republican primary field is better suited to defeat Biden. [More]

“Any other candidate”?

Siding with the swamp again, I see…

This is what an “A+” rating gets you.

I’d ask where the Republican Party finds such treasonous, self-defeating morons were he the exception instead of the rule.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Hopalong Vichycon”

  1. We have a process by which the next President is chosen. Absent a few bumps in the road, it has worked pretty well since 1789.

    But there never seems to be any shortage of people who claim they know how it might be “improved” to yield results more to their liking.

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