Achtung, Mitglieder der Hausbesitzervereinigung

Our homeowners’ association is considering banning guns everywhere in the community, including in the residents’ homes. Many of the residents are upset about this, while others are in favor of it. Is the association even able to enact this rule? [More]

Tyranny starts small, and always offers “justification.”

I always wondered what ever happened to Witless and Titless.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Achtung, Mitglieder der Hausbesitzervereinigung”

  1. From the color of your front door, to the tallness of your flagpole, to the height of the weeds in your yard, the HOA,POA, whatever is constantly on guard defending the preferences of a vindictive all controlling board.
    And now it wants your guns.
    I reside in a POA neighborhood and would happily show my board the error of its ways.
    Does FL not have state pre-emption? Or does that not apply to a POA? Now if your situation is a condo rather than separate dwellings, and the condo property is deemed ‘private and controlled’ by the board this may get interesting.

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