The Ban It All and Kick Off CW2 Act

You misspelled “assault,” morons.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Rep. Hank Johnson reintroduce bill with emphasis on gun violence prevention [More]

Are you really ignorant enough to believe that’s what this will do, “real reporter” Jennifer Gerson?

And I’s“…?

Here are the Democrat politicians who want us dead.

But no one’s talking about taking your guns.

They tried it in 2020.

They tried it in 2022.

0% chance“…?

Now all we’ve got to do is see if the House Republicans are going to implode, because they’ve already got their share of gun-grabbing traitors.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “The Ban It All and Kick Off CW2 Act”

  1. “emphasis on gun violence”

    Funny, I don’t see anything on there that “emphasizes gun violence”. What I see harasses and criminalizes law-abiding citizens and builds multiple prior restraints into exercising Constitutionally-protected rights.

    “Stronger ATF Gun Shop Inspections”: You mean, stronger than Biden’s “zero tolerance” policy?

    “Grants for States to Implement Gun Safety Laws”: It’s a very short step from “grants to implement” to “penalties for not implementing”. And who gets to decide what “gun safety” laws qualify? Implementing Eddie Eagle or any other school-based gun and hunter safety programs probably won’t.

    “Funding for Research into Gun Violence”: What? John Lott’s research isn’t enough? And somehow, I doubt his excellent Crime Prevention Research Center will be deemed eligible for such funding….

    An unconstitutional mess all around.

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