And the Loser Is…

Worst States to be a Gun Owner (2024 Updated) [More]

I’d say I was “surprised to see Ohio on this list” due to a Republican governor and Senate/Assembly supermajority domination, but I’ve been warning about DeSwine since forever, and as for the rest of them, the Stupid Party has allowed the Republican-for-as-long-as-I-can-remember district I moved into to be gerrymandered over to the Democrats at both federal and state levels.

Between that and fielding tepid, uninspiring Vichycons to run for office…

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “And the Loser Is…”

  1. Just don’t call them RINO (Republican In Name Only).

    The term RINO says more about the user’s ignorance of the Republican Party than it does about any GOP politician.

    The Republican party is not and never has been conservative. Otherwise they would have put more time and effort into getting Goldwater into the presidency.

    One of the biggest political fights ever seen at a nominating convention, before the primary system neutered them, was between Reagan, backed by mostly conservatives, and G H W Bush, backed by the three piece suit blue blood country club Republicans.

    The Reagan Presidency nearly died before it had a chance to happen.


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