Soft Pedaling

He most strikingly softened his language about immigration… Mr. Trump said he thought it was “wrong” that people who made sacrifices to come to America and attend top U.S. schools should have to go home to their countries, one of the people said. Another person who was in the room recalled that Mr. Trump made the point that the high-skilled immigrants who received an American education could either be successful in the U.S. or in their home countries. He said that the best and the brightest were needed to help America, this person said. [More]

Maybe he can answer the challenge.

So what else is he going to go soft on?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Soft Pedaling”

  1. While pursuing their education, they will have had ample time to normalize their immigration status if necessary and apply for any visas, work permits, or naturalized citizenship under US law.

    My favorite is the occasional law school graduate who is shocked to find that he/she cannot be admitted to the bar because they’re in the country illegally.

    Would you want such a dumbass to represent you in court?

  2. No doubt with DJT it’ll often be a half a loaf rather than no loaf as we’re getting from Joey O’Biden. But we will get more solid economic growth and our enemies overseas will always wonder if he’ll open the suitcase or not.

    Maybe he’s learned to find out before hiring whether folks are Deep Staters or not, so there’ll be less need to be actively firing.

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