Special Interests Combine to Block Release of Nashville Killer’s ‘Manifesto’: Why?

Her parents knew she posed a serious danger to herself, to them, and to others. [More]

It’s no coincidence that ignoring reality, and who knew what, works in their interests — and against ours.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

5 thoughts on “Special Interests Combine to Block Release of Nashville Killer’s ‘Manifesto’: Why?”

  1. Another site reported that the law firm representing the ? Interests ? Parents ? ??? who oppose the release of the manifesto and the records of 22 years of mental health treatment af Vanderbilt is the same firm that usually represents large Pharma interests against claimant for damages from their clients.
    The lawyer says “no comment” ro questions about whether the parents have taken a settlement from Vandy or any Pharma companies.

  2. Great article. As usual, Big Pharma is front and center of another mass shooting, but almost no one in the media or politics will even entertain the correlation. The various LGBT groups and allies among the media and government agencies don’t want it released for obvious reasons. And the big donors who support tranny related laws like the Pritzker billionaire family have enormous power behind the scenes.

    From reading about her manifesto, it also appears she had some sort of negative interaction with someone besides her parents in her youth. It could be a pastor or teacher. I suspect it is someone who told her she is not a boy and would never become one. If that is the case, then it would be the easiest meme in the world to make, so no wonder it is being suppressed.

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