The Cover-Up Continues

Gifting the documents to the parents of the victims is odd. But for the parents of the victims to then assert that they hold some kind of “copyright” on those documents is twisted on its face and one cannot help but wonder what really is behind this enormous effort to withhold information about Audrey Hale. [More]

Why does every indicator say this is more than about their grief?

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Telling You It’s Raining Enough

“Not At Liberty To Release”: Nashville PD Blows Smoke Over Leaked Manifesto [More]

Fletcher’s not impressed.

Which is OK because award-winning Authorized Journalist Phil Williams says it’s not what we think.

[Via bondmen]

Manifesto Destiny

According to a local news report, the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) is expected to make public the manifesto that Audrey Hale left behind and is currently reviewing it in collaboration with the FBI for the purpose of public release. [More]

And if they hold stuff back…?

[Via Michael G]


And can I read anything into this supportive email?

Ctrl and scroll to enlarge and read

Manifesto Destiny

‘Cover-up’: Where’s the Nashville ‘trans’ mass-murderer’s manifesto? [More]

I won’t be surprised to see what they eventually release with key redactions.

Those are some “core values” of “de-escalation and transparency” you’re showing the world, Chief Drake.

So: Who in Tennessee Republican World has the weight to light a fire under this political stonewaller, and why haven’t they?

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