We’re the Only Ones Telling You It’s Raining Enough

“Not At Liberty To Release”: Nashville PD Blows Smoke Over Leaked Manifesto [More]

Fletcher’s not impressed.

Which is OK because award-winning Authorized Journalist Phil Williams says it’s not what we think.

[Via bondmen]

We’re the Only Ones Manifest Enough

Unfortunately, they’re the only ones who have seen it. Local and federal authorities with access to the manifesto have refused to make its contents public. [More]

Ha! They used “Only Ones.”

I can’t offer more than this and can’t force anyone to pay attention to it.

[Via Michael G]


I’ll give it another shot.

Lousy at Camouflage

“Michael Patrick Leahy … if it were not illegal to beat your ass up … I’d have done it months ago. I have called your show twice because you decided to pound home the transgender Audrey Hale while people who suffered were healing. You dirty potato eating Mick. If I see you on the street … I’m going to end your conservative slant eye a– … I’m willing to go to prison to end you. You dirty drug addict eyed Irish fool. You either end your talk show or I’ll end your life in real time while you do it. You have no right to the manifesto of Audrey Hale and you just want content by obtaining it … Send the authorities. You’d better if you still want to live, Leahy.” [More]

How do they just let this lunatic out on minimal bail with no forced psychiatric hold and assessment?

You’d think at least he’d make it harder to find him in meatspace, and no, I’m not going to link to that.

[Via bondmen]

No Need to Know

The report did not describe any testing to indicate whether the shooter’s blood contained testosterone or other drugs used in gender-affirming care, a theory posited by some to account for the shooter’s behavior. [More]

Why not?

And Epoch Times is reporting “no testing [was] ordered for potential prescription medications” even though the “police chief said [she] was being treated for an emotional disorder.”

Between that and the top-secret manifesto, this thing is being covered up by powerful people who are desperate to not let certain information get out. Unfortunately, getting other powerful people involved in unraveling it requires an effort few seem willing to make.

[Via 1Gat]

Meanwhile, Crickets

Intestacy laws establish an order of priority for the inheritance of a diseased person’s assets. If the courts accept their position, it would skirt state law, which generally considers materials such as the manifesto a record of public interest… [More]

All this legal hoop-de-doo continues to obfuscate and delay. I still want to know why a Nashville Council member said “The vast, overwhelming majority of it,’ presented too much of a danger to the public.”

But that would require principled leadership focused more on results than on scoring media points.

And that allows the blood dancers to keep the focus on guns.

[Via bondmen]

House Oversight Could Press Stonewalling FBI to Testify on Nashville Shooter Manifesto

Readers who agree can join in calling on House Oversight to summon FBI Director Christopher Wray to explain his agency’s stonewalling and pressure him to stop suppressing information Americans have a right to know. [More]

But nothing will happen if the only person they hear from is me.

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