Meanwhile, Crickets

Intestacy laws establish an order of priority for the inheritance of a diseased person’s assets. If the courts accept their position, it would skirt state law, which generally considers materials such as the manifesto a record of public interest… [More]

All this legal hoop-de-doo continues to obfuscate and delay. I still want to know why a Nashville Council member said “The vast, overwhelming majority of it,’ presented too much of a danger to the public.”

But that would require principled leadership focused more on results than on scoring media points.

And that allows the blood dancers to keep the focus on guns.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Meanwhile, Crickets”

  1. The efforts in play to keep this out of sight are beyond belief. Must be some very interesting material.
    I expect a JFK files style outcome.

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