Like a Poll Tax, Except Enforced

California Raising Background Check Fee’s 500%, Get Ready [Watch]

Chump change?

Hey, if $5 is “better” than $1, how much “better” would $50 be? What’s to stop it?

Guess who won’t pay a dime, chumps.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Like a Poll Tax, Except Enforced”

  1. Limbaugh once asked for them to publish the math behind the campaign behind the $15.00 per hour minimum wage. He asked, if $15.00 was good enough, wouldn’t $30.00 be better? For that matter, why not set it at $50.00?

    If he ever got them to provide an answer, I must have missed it.

    I suspect that the bottom line for the background check fee is to first get the camel’s nose in under the tent, then start jacking it up until some measurable reduction in gun sales is seen.

    After all, for some folks, any guns in any hands amounts to guns in the wrong hands.

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