The Paper It’s Written On

Human Rights Campaign president says we must “reimagine“ democracy to be “more revolutionary” than the “little piece of paper“ our founders drafted [More]

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Naturally, she says RKBA is not a human right.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “The Paper It’s Written On”

  1. Wonder if she could “reimagine” how that could go so horribly wrong for her and her communist-clown party?
    Like, we live in a republic established under the constitution. And were under no obligation to surrender to usurpation of any kind from any source derived?
    Maybe not the “revolutionary” type thinking she had in mind?
    Without that “little piece of paper”, we no longer need concern ourselves with communists live, liberty, and pursuit of ignorance they enjoy so much?
    And since victors right history. We no longer need concern ourselves to the right or wrong of our actions?
    We can just compost the problem, memory hole the process, and get on with our little constitutional lives like communism never existed.
    Something tells me she ain’t imagining that!

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