The Thieves of the Gulag Archipelago

The thieves not only terrorized the population, as haters and defilers of private property, but also were used as informants by the police; and in the gulag, served as “instructors” in the cultural and educational sections, or as actual officers by the internal security police (the MVD). Needless to say, they were also useful to the repressive apparatus as the proverbial stool pigeons and enforcers of hard labor and terror against ideological (political) prisoners. When needed, they even worked hand in glove with the security forces in carrying out mass murder in the extermination camps of the gulags. [More]

Kapos on steroids

Miguel A. Faria, M.D. notes the lowest of the low.

Don’t think we’re not infested with them here, and that we wouldn’t see their true natures emerge under the “right” circumstances.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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