The Holding Pattern

I’ve mentioned before how I love to read books but between the reading I have to do for my professional obligations, the work itself, and my personal life, there’s just not a lot of time. I suppose having a sense of purpose and looking forward every morning to a full day I’m enthusiastic about living is something I should be grateful for, but it does mean making one choice means not making another — for now.

I just finished The Deadly Path, and am finalizing an interview with former ATF Agent and author Pete Forcelli for AmmoLand. Stay tuned.

I also agreed to read The Misinformation Antidote because the author contacted Firearms News claiming “court decisions carry with them the seeds of the [Second] amendment’s future destruction.” I’ll let you know what I think after I read it.

And then yesterday, one of my favorite liberty authors, Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D., sent me a copy of his new book, Stalin, Mao, Communism, and their 21st-Century Aftermath in Russia and China. The man knows whereof he speaks and I’m looking forward to reading it and sharing my impressions — just give me a minute.

Book ’em, Danno!

Visit your public libraries and request them: These books are expensive, but they are being purchased in libraries all over the world but few in the US. Why? Instead they are buying politically correct, feel-good and worthless books. Call your public library or better go there, visit them, request these books loaded with the information that they need to order these books for their readers. You need the title, author, publisher, and how they can acquire them. [More]

That’s the same recommendation I made with America, Guns, and Freedom:

Contact your local library. Find out if they carry America, Guns, and Freedom. If not, find out who you have to talk to in order to make that happen.

I wonder how many who benefit ffrom the work will take a few moments to help. Because I guarantee you that your library carries this book.

Again with the Lie

House Republicans just voted to prohibit the CDC from studying gun deaths and gun injuries. [More]

And here I thought it was just to stop tax plunder from being used to stump for citizen disarmament

Dr. Mark Rosenberg, Director of the CDC’s National Center for Injury Control and Prevention (NCIPC) in 1994 told The Washington Post: “We need to revolutionize the way we look at guns, like what we did with cigarettes. Now it [sic] is dirty, deadly, and banned.”

[Via Jess]

Disarmed and Unprotected

In summary, the government, assisted by gun prohibitionists—incarnated in authoritarian Democrat legislators, biased public health researchers, and the liberal media—has sought and continues to pursue the objective of disarming law-abiding citizens in piecemeal fashion. [More]

Prolific champion of freedom Miguel A. Faria, MD exposes the lies that make us more vulnerable and less free.

Adventures in DEI

One of the many ironies of the Congo debacle was that even though Dreke’s group was composed mostly of Afro-Cubans like Víctor Dreke and Henry “Pombo” Villegas Tamayo, who was Che Guevara’s chief bodyguard, the Cuban expedition was led by a white Argentinean, Che Guevara. As Dreke explained, “I was given orders to select a group of compañeros for the mission from the Central army…. Furthermore, I was told, the compañeros were to be black—‘very black.’ That was the instruction I was given.” Interestingly, Villegas followed Che to Bolivia in the Argentinean’s final debacle in 1966. [More]

Miguel A. Faria, MD, gives us a taste of  Cuba’s Eternal Revolution through the Prism of Insurgency, Socialism, and Espionage.

So Marxists know from experience that top-down planned “vibrancy” results in catastrophic culture clash, yet they keep mandating it in every aspect of society here…

I see I’m not the only one who senses an ideological connection with the subject of my last post.

What the Democrats Are Trying to Turn Us Into

Cuba’s Eternal Revolution through the Prism of Insurgency, Socialism, and Espionage not only relates the defining moments of the Cuban Revolution, including the Moncada Barracks attack and the assault on Batista’s Presidential Palace, but also delves into the lesser-known insurgency against the communist regime of Fidel Castro when Cuban farmers and rural peasants, led by former revolutionaries who felt betrayed by the communist turn of the Revolution and Cuba’s alliance with the Soviet camp, “returned to the hills” to wage war against Castro’s communist regime. [More]

Hence the question “¿Armas para que?

You really should know about Dr. Miguel A. Faria, Jr. and his writings.

We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident

Potentially lethal force may require defensive deadly force by Miguel A. Faria, MD [More]

Now is a good time to reacquaint ourselves with this 2016 classic from a medical expert who is also a champion of freedom.

You have his book(s), right?

This is kind of a side note that goes way off track, but all this information about cerebral contusions and subdural hematomas brings up an observation I had just last night while treating myself to reruns of Maverick on Tubi. He got knocked out twice in one episode with a gun butt, a trope that came up time and again on TV shows of the period, and that I recall was a pretty consistent plot device on this show in particular. That the “heroes” weren’t routinely killed or at least permanently disabled or vegetative tells us a bit about taking what we get from Hollywood seriously. Especially when they’re doing undisclosed bidding.

It also suggests where Rob may have gotten his “shoot-to-wound” nonsense from, and that brings me back full circle.

I’ll listen to a real expert.

AMA Assault Science Weapon of Choice in Mass Shillings

Mass public shootings in the US account for a small fraction of all firearm-related homicides, but have an outsized role in stoking the public’s concern with firearm violence. [More]

Yeah, thanks to elites-funded hysterical “agenda science” amplified by an equally hysterical (and reliably ignorant) DSM.

Doctrinaire disarmament propagandists Philp J. Cook and John Donahue (Piled Higher and Deepers each) sure use a lot of words to spook the herd on a threat that takes fewer lives than fists and feet. And the gunquacks (funny, we were just talking about them) at the equally agenda-driven AMA are delighted for another chance to posture and preen as leaders.

Those are my broad strokes on the matter. I’m hoping our friends Miguel A. Faria, Jr., M.D. and the good docs at DRGO decide to give us something more scholarly to push back with…

Hat tip to John Richardson, who sent me this information, and has put together quite a nice write-up that factors in Bruen. This is one of the things I like about those in “our movement” who do it right– the object is to help each other fight the best fight possible.

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